Answer: AHA
AHA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 512 times.
Referring Clues:
- "Take On Me" pop trio
- "Gotcha!"
- "I knew it!"
- "Yes, I see!"
- "There you are!"
- "I see!"
- "Now I see!"
- "Gotcha"
- Word teachers like to hear
- "So that's what you meant!"
- "Eureka!"
- Opposite of "huh?"
- "That's it!"
- "The light dawns!"
- "Oh, I see"
- "So that's it!"
- "Got ya!"
- "So, it's YOU!"
- "There it is!"
- “Eureka!”
- Cry upon discovering a puzzle theme?
- "But of course!"
- You might say it when you get it
- "So it's you!"
- "Caught you!"
- Puzzler's shout
- "I have an idea!"
- It's said when a light bulb goes on
- "Now I get it!"
- "I get it!"
- Student's cry
- "I've got it!"
- Revelation response
- What you may say when you crack the case
- Gleeful cry
- Triumphant cry
- "Well, well, well ..."
- Figuring-out shout
- "Clever me!"
- "I figured it out!"
- "Got it!"
- "I know the answer!"
- "Just as I thought!"
- "Bingo!"
- Cry of insight
- Recognition response
- Code cracker’s comment
- "I found it!"
- Cry after a thoughtful silence
- Response when something hits you
- "Caught ya!"
- "So you're the culprit!"
- "That proves it!"
- "Now you're making sense!"
- "So there!"
- Cry when the lights come on
- Cry said while pointing
- Sound of a epiphany
- Brainstormer's cry
- Opposite of "duh!"
- Sleuth's cry
- Solver's cry
- Inventor's cry
- Sleuth's outburst
- Cry with eyes lit up
- "Of course!"
- "Oh, clever!"
- Cry before "It's you!"
- Comment after getting something
- "The light has dawned!"
- "Can't fool me!"
- "Now I understand!"
- "Now it's clear!"
- Joe who was twice A.L. Manager of the Year
- Cry when a light bulb goes on
- Cry while pointing a finger
- Cry when seeing something for the first time
- Word associated with a light bulb
- "Caught in the act!"
- "So that's your game!"
- It's "eureka!" either way
- 20-Across opposite
- Finder's cry
- "I've got a brainstorm!"
- "So!"
- "I see it now!"
- Discoverer's cry
- Puzzle solver's cry
- Expression of enlightenment
- Solver's shout
- "It's a clue!"
- Shout of enlightenment
- "Told you!"
- "Take on Me" singers
- Cry of enlightenment
- "A clue!"
- Exclamation of discovery
- Cry of realization
- Puzzle solver's shout
- Palindromic cry
- "I get it now!"
- "Take On Me" group
- Melodramatic cry
- "I found a palindrome!"
- "So you're the one!"
- "It just came to me!"
- Exclamation of revelation
- Revealing reaction?
- Epiphany exclamation
- Shout of success
- Triumphant outburst
- “I’ve got it!”
- Sound of a light bulb going on?
- When you get it, you might say it
- Successful solver's shout
- "Well, whaddya know!"
- "I catch your drift now!"
- "___ moment" (flash of insight)
- "I thought so!"
- "I caught you red-handed!"
- Revelatory, as a moment
- Cry of discovery
- Brainstorming cry
- "Now it makes sense!"
- Pop trio from Oslo with the hit "Take On Me"
- Detective's exclamation
- Light bulb flash?
- "Found it!"
- '80s Norwegian pop group
- "By Jove!"
- Problem solver's cry
- Inventor's shout
- Eureka alternative
- Sleuth's shout
- "So that's where I left it!"
- "By George, I think I've got it!"
- Successful puzzler's cry
- Band with the 1985 hit album "Hunting High and Low"
- Realization vocalization
- Sound of insight
- Shout of discovery
- Exclamation of demystification
- Whodunit shout
- Shout of understanding
- Word said while nodding
- Shout upon seeing the light
- "I caught you!"
- "Pay dirt!"
- "That's brilliant!"
- "I've got it now!"
- Revelation reaction
- Detective's cry
- Solution reaction
- "I have the answer!"
- "Take On Me" band
- Dawning shout
- Solver's syllables
- Understanding word
- "As I suspected!"
- "Yes!"
- ''Gotcha!''
- ''Great idea!''
- ''I thought so!''
- ''Now I understand!''
- Forehead slapper's word
- ''Now I get it!''
- ''I'm onto you now!''
- ''Eureka!''
- Light-dawning cry
- Word of surprise
- ''I figured it out!''
- Sound of surprise
- ''I get it!''
- Evidence of inspiration
- ''Yes!''
- ''Caught ya!''
- Sound of discovery
- ''Now I've got you !''
- Cry of triumph
- ''So that's it!''
- ''Got it!''
- Puzzle-solver's shout
- Shout of triumph
- Unmasker's cry
- ''Now I see!''
- ''Caught you!''
- ''Bingo!''
- ''Caughtcha!''
- ''A clue!''
- ''I have an idea!''
- ''So, there you are!''
- ''But of course!''
- ''I see!''
- ''I got it!''
- ''Well, lookee here!''
- Climactic whodunit cry
- Palindromic sound of discovery
- Crossword solver's cry
- "Now we're getting somewhere"
- Palindromic exclamation
- Accusatory exclamation
- "What did I tell you?"
- "Well whaddya know!"
- "So that's how it is!"
- "What did I tell you?!"
- Exclamation of surprise
- Sneak's shout
- "So there you are!"
- Discoverer's interjection
- Response when something hits you?
- "So, there you are!"
- Sound of an epiphany
- Discovery cry
- "Brilliant!"
- "Now I know the answer!"
- Triumphant shout
- Idea person's exclamation
- Brainstorm outburst
- Inspired shout
- Comment after getting something?
- "Solved it!"
- "Caught you red-handed!"
- "I suspected as much!"
- "I solved it!"
- Dectective cry
- Palindromic response to a revelation
- "I get it now"
- __ moment: sudden realization
- Exclamation of triumph
- Cry of discovery (found in 20-, 40-, and 56-Across)
- Triumphant interjection
- Oprah's moment?
- Idea person's cry
- "The missing piece!"
- "Figured it out!"
- "Got it now!"
- Eureka!
- Cry interrupting a prank
- Code crackers comment
- "Caughtcha!"
- ___ moment: sudden realization
- Cry when it hits you
- An ___ moment
- Cry of recognition
- "Great idea!"
- "I'm onto you now!"
- "Now I've got you !"
- Ive got it!
- Exclamation of insight
- "I knew it all along!"
- "Take On Me" band playing their final shows this December
- "Mystery solved!"
- Sound made by a cracker?
- Gotcha!
- Gottcha!
- "I gotcha!"
- ___ moment
- Code cracker's cry
- "I found you!"
- Epiphany moment
- What a teacher likes to hear from a pupil
- Exclamation akin to 17-Down
- "So it was you!"
- "Surprise!"
- Surprise
- "That's the answer!"
- "Finally!"
- "Just as I suspected!"
- The first Norwegian band with a number 1 song in the US
- Cry of satisfaction
- Cry when a light goes on
- 'Eureka!'
- 'Caught ya!'
- 'That's it!'
- 'So that's it!'
- 'Caught you!'
- Kin of 30-Across
- Discoverer's call
- 'I thought so'
- 'Now it makes sense'
- 'I understand'
- Word of insight
- 'Oh, clever!'
- Whodunit cry
- 'I have it!'
- 'Found it!'
- 'I found it!'
- 'Got ya!'
- 'Now I get it!'
- 'I caught ya!'
- 'Gotcha!'
- 'Now I see!'
- 'I knew it!'
- 'Got it!'
- 'I see!'
- 'I caught you!'
- 'I get it!'
- 'Bingo!'
- "Here it is!"
- "The penny drops!"
- Gleeful shout
- Word of discovery
- Cry upon figuring out 66-Across
- Epiphany utterance
- "Here's the answer at last!"
- Bingo alternative?
- Exclamation of knowledge
- "The light just went on!"
- "I got it!"
- "Just as I figured!"
- Light-dawning remark
- "Now I comprende!"
- 'I've got it!'
- Cry made with a raised index finger
- "Found you!"
- It may result from a discovery
- Breakthrough cry
- "Paydirt!"
- "I understand now!"
- "Oh, I see!"
- Bingo substitute
- "Puzzle solved"
- I knew it!
- "So that's what that means!"
- "An idea!"
- "That's what I thought!"
- I thought so!
- What this puzzle may make you say
- Reaction after getting something
- I've got it!
- 'I got it!'
- ___ moment (epiphany)
- Kind of moment
- It might be heard when a light bulb goes on
- Word said just before solving a tricky clue
- "Told you so!"
- Light-bulb moment word
- "Oh, there you are!"
- Exclamation when a light goes on?
- It may be expressed in a moment
- "Now I've got it!"
- "Who knew?"
- Shout of inspiration
- "Found ya!"
- "Now I remember!"
- 'Take on Me' band
- 'I figured it out!'
- "Oh, so that's it!"
- Cry after an epiphany
- 'So it's you!'
- Expression of discovery
- "What ho!"
- Word professors like to hear
- Geocacher's cry
- Sound of serendipity
- Ralph Kramden's triumphant cry
- Exclamation
- "OK, now I get it!"
- Sound of a light going on?
- So!
- Cry of surprise
- "Now it's clear"
- 'I see now!'
- "Now it all makes sense!"
- "The plot thickens!"
- "So that's the answer!"
- Expression of triumph
- Uncoverer's exclamation
- Exclamation accented on the second syllable
- Sudden understanding
- Triumphant reaction
- Comment after sudden insight
- "You are so busted!"
- "I've found it!"
- "So you admit it!"
- I told you so!
- I told you so
- Catching-on cry
- I see!
- Pop group
- Caught yah!
- Sound of enlightenment
- Epiphanic, as a moment
- Enlightened exclamation
- Epiphanic cry
- Epiphany word
- Cry with an epiphany
- Gotcha
- Cry from the enlightened
- Cry of apprehension
- "Thought so!"
- "How brilliant!"
- "You can't fool me!"
- Pop group whose name is an exclamation
- Cry of revelation
- Victorious cry
- "Now i know!"
- "So THAT's the story here!"
- Discoverer's shout
- "I just discovered this!"
- 'I get it now!'
- "I've just discovered it!"
- "I've got the answer!"
- ___ moment (insightful instant)
- "I know that!"
- What some moments are called
- Cry upon getting a tough crossword clue
- "The missing clue!"
- Discovery sound
- "I see the light!"
- Cry of vindication
- Exclamation sometimes spelled with a hyphen
- Cracking indication
- "So that's the puzzle theme!"
- Inspired expression
- Told you so!
- "A nice hint!"
- "I saw that!"
- "How clever!"
- "So obvious!"
- Sound of success
- "I see it!"
- Problem-solver's shout
- Deduction cry
- "It just clicked!"
- "The mystery is solved!"
- Clicking sound?
- Kin of oho
- Insightful interjection
- Expression of surprise
- "I've solved it!"
- Breakthrough outburst
- "You just spilled your secret!"
- Catcher's cry?
- "Yes, that's it!"
- Clue discoverer's shout
- "There's the catch!"
- "I figured so!"
- Nice crossword experience
- Word associated with a lightbulb
- "I solved 52-Across!"
- Cry of epiphany
- "I see it now"
- "Like I told you!"
- "Plot twist!"
- Discovery shout
- "So there it is!"
- Sound of a penny dropping?
- "Knew it!"
- "Now I've got you!"
- Word of sudden comprehension
- "I've figured it out!"
- "Oh, now I get it!"
- "I knew it was you!"
- Insightful, as a moment
- "I cracked the code!"
- Shout of realization
- "So that's what's going on here!"
- "I solved the mystery!"
- Exciting kind of moment
- Vindicated shout
- "Just like I told you!"
- "Everything is clear now!"
- "Oh, I get it now!"
- Cry of understanding
- ___ moment: revelation
- "Finally, it makes sense!"
- Type of moment
- Norwegian pop band that sounds like a revelation
- "Wait, that's it!"
- Cry of illumination
- Light bulb moment sound
- "So I was right all along"
- "Ohhh, I see now!"
- Reaction to a light bulb turning on?
- "I just figured it out!"
- You say it when you "get it"
- Cry with a finger snap
- "Why, that's it!"
- "It's clear now!"
- Exclamation of epiphany
- "I just got it!"
- "I see now!"
- "It's all adding up now!"
- "It all adds up now!"
- "So clever!"
- When you get it, you may say it
- "I finally understand!"
- Comprehensive report?
- "With you now"
- Insightful remark
- "Oh! I get it now!"
- Palindromic pop trio
- I get it now
- "Ooohhh"
- "Now I remember who sang 'Take On Me'!"
- Seeing sound?
- Exclamation of understanding
- "So you confess!"
- "I've had an epiphany!"
- Shout accompanying a realization
- "I've cracked it!"
- Exclamation of enlightenment
- "Now I see it!"
- "I've just solved your riddle!"
- "It all makes sense now!"
- "I've made a discovery!"
- "Finally, I get it!"
- Oh I figured it out!
- Now i understand!
- "Oh, I see it now!"
- "I just knew it!"
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 25, 2025
- LA Times - February 26, 2025
- USA Today - February 12, 2025
- USA Today - February 11, 2025
- USA Today - February 10, 2025
- LA Times - February 08, 2025
- New York Times - February 07, 2025
- LA Times - February 02, 2025
- USA Today - January 27, 2025
- New York Times - January 15, 2025
- LA Times - January 05, 2025
- New York Times - December 24, 2024
- USA Today - December 20, 2024
- New York Times - December 16, 2024
- New York Times - December 11, 2024
- LA Times - December 11, 2024
- USA Today - November 28, 2024
- New York Times - November 25, 2024
- USA Today - November 18, 2024
- USA Today - November 08, 2024
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